Monday 14 January 2013


After spending yesterday with friends in Kamakura - wandering around in gorgeous sunny weather I woke up this morning to a whole different world. Heavy wet white snow is covering everything and every once in a while comes sliding off the roof in a long loud avalanche. Today we're tucked under a knitted afghan on the heated carpet studying - a way we feel is perfect to spend today, but somebody in the garden seems to disagree...


  1. It's the penguin! He's a happy fellow! ^^

    This is the most snow I've seen in Tokyo: about 30 cm in Taitō's narrow alleys. I'm so glad I'm not celebrating my 20th birthday by traipsing to Disney Land in my kimono! >:)

    1. He is a happy fellow - and so am I! (especially since as pretty as I am sure Tokyo looks, it was a national holiday and I didn't have to commute to work either yesterday OR today! wheeeeee!)

      The poor shin-seijin, the girls in their geta and tabi looked really really cold!
