Saturday 6 October 2007

I'm okay, really I am!

As you may know I hate hospitals, they put me on edge. I am not terribly fond of going to the doctor either. So going to a Japanese hospital for the first time was a big step for me, but one that was bound to have to happen sooner or later. Well, that day has come... Thankfully one of my friends offered to take me to a hospital she goes to, which made it all possible.

First of all, let me explain that in the Japanese health care system if you are sick you go to either a clinic or a hospital. These vary in size and may end up being not much different from the North American family doctor, but there is no concept here of a family doctor.

My friend (who took altogether too much delight in a rather subdued and anything but sure of herself version of me) took me to what a hospital that would compare to a very very small hospital back home. The staff there were kind, and the doctor very kindly worked hard to do the check-up in English. It took him a good few minutes to come up with the word "fever" (I don't have one) and in the meantime I was imagining all sorts of things he was trying to ask me. Since we both knew that overall my language skills were better than his, by asking me all the questions in English he was trying hard to make me feel a bit more at ease. I'm not sure I'm ever going to feel fully comfortable in any hospital but this particular doctor and the rest of the staff made an effort for which I am very grateful.
Oh, and just so you don't worry I am fine. I've been given antibiotics and should make a full recovery in under 5 days - which is a good thing, term may have only started a few weeks ago but already I've got a pile of reports to write and presentations to prepare! I'm also determined to feel up for the Canadian Thanksgiving dinner I've signed up for tomorrow night - turkey!!!

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